Wednesday 23 August 2017

Japanese with Mrs Karasawa and Saaho

Not only were we lucky enough to have Mrs Karasawa come and take another Japanese lesson but we also got to meet Saaho - a Japanese exchange student.
Mrs Karasawa and Saaho

Mrs Karasawa and Saaho taught us how to say our age correctly and the vocabulary that goes with this.  One of the ways they helped us learn this was through Speed Dating! Well not really, but it was like speed dating. We lined up in two lines. One line asked the question '"How old are you?" and the other line answered, then the line moved on. Watch this video to see how it went. 

After that we went outside and had a game of Chinese Whispers - well in this case it was actually Japanese Whispers! Teams had to come to Mrs Karasawa and listen to a sentence. Then they had to take it to their team and whisper it to the next person in the line. When the last person had the whisper they ran to Saaho and repeated it to her. It was interesting to note how often we got the whispers wrong!
All lined up in teams.

Checking with Saaho.
Passing that whisper along.

It was a really fun lesson. Now we are looking forward to next week and seeing what cool things Mrs Karasawa and Saaho will come up with. 

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