Tuesday 30 January 2018

Welcome Back

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Welcome to Room 6 and 2018.  This year there are 30 students as well as myself and Treena working in Room 6, so we're a big crew but we've got the big room so we'll have plenty of space.

Our first few days at school will be focused on learning to work together as a group - these Year 7 and 8 students have not worked together previously - and learning the routines and expectations associated with our class.

We will be watching a short video called 'Make Your Bed' and working our way through a book of the same name. The video is very inspiring and links nicely to the Toko School Learning Stars.


We will also be completing a range of activities to enhance our co-operation, problem solving and thinking skills.  These activities will be based around maths, reading and writing but the true focus will be on the skills listed above.

Next week we will begin learning about Waitangi Day and what it means. We will also begin reading a book called Refugee. This book is very powerful and has many messages that will hopefully ignite some great conversation. I will post more information about the book next week so that you are able to have meaningful discussions at home with your children.

We will be swimming daily so please remind your children to bring their togs and towel everyday. Also a drink bottle is a necessity in this weather. Please ensure your child brings a bottle that they can have in the classroom.

Books will be handed out on Thursday and can be taken home for covering on Friday. Those that have the ezy style covers can simply bring the covers to school rather than lugging the books home.

If your child has a BYOD device it is important that they bring it to school everyday. We do have some devices in the class but not enough for everyone, so it makes much more sense for children who have their own device to bring it to school.

If you would like to contact me, I am more than happy to be emailed at sasha.hancock@toko.school.nz. I will reply to emails as soon as soon as I am able. Otherwise pop into school and see me before 9am or after 3pm.

Sasha 😊

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