Sunday 18 February 2018

Week Four Update

Thank you to everyone for attending the initial parent interviews last week. It was fabulous to catch up with everyone and learn more about your children and how I can help them this year. I found these very useful and informative and will use the information provided to make stronger connections with your children.
This week our self portraits based on Modigliani will be posted to individual blogs along with some facts about the artist himself - look out for these. 
Students have also been working on creating performances that explain and show their understanding of our recent Waitangi unit. I hope to share these in our assembly in a couple of weeks.
I have begun individual maths conferences with all the students. We work through the recent maths test together, look at the questions that were incorrectly answered and work out why they got it wrong. From there we plan what areas of maths they need to work on.
This week we will also be looking closely at the science curriculum to see what we need to do, then we will make a plan that fits the curriculum needs and what the students want. Science will hopefully form a big part of our writing programme this term as well.
We are going to the Stratford Pool this Wednesday and next Wednesday for water and boat safety lessons with instructors from the pool. We will be leaving after morning tea and returning at lunch time. Students will need togs and towels. Those that want to have a hot lunch can have it when we return at 1pm. While we are there we will be completing time trials for those that wish to trial for the Turnball Cup relay team.
Students have been shared the House Leader criteria and those that wish to put themselves forward for this leadership opportunity will need to have a handed in a short piece of writing explaining why they would be good for the job by Wednesday.

Have a great week.

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