Thursday 28 June 2018

Not for the Squeamish!

As part of our 'Out of the Box' afternoon sessions children are encouraged to explore areas of personal interest or passion. Abbie and Kobi were initially interested in the Micoplasma Bovis situation and were researching that, when they realised that although we are a farming community, many kids probably didn't know what the inside of a cow looked like!
This led them to wondering what the organs of a cow looked like and how they compared in size to other animals.  They asked if they could dissect a cow at school - that seemed a little extreme - so we compromised and decided that the organs of a cow would be ok. Abbie and Kobi got hold of Lucy from the Vet and asked for help, they contacted a home kill man to ask for cow organs as well as contacting neighbours to ask for sheep insides. They spent a lot of time working through the organisation and logistics for this endeavor and today they pulled off a great learning experience for us all - along with Lucy's help and Roxy's willingness to transport animal parts in her car!
They plan to make a documentary type movie that shows kids all about the organs and inside of a cow's head. I'm really proud of their industriousness and passion and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with in their documentary. In the mean time here's some pics (not for the faint-hearted) of today's adventure......





1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely fantastic experience, so much learning. Well done Abbie and Coby, great idea! Only in Toko!!!
