Thursday 17 March 2016

Complex Sentences

We have been learning about three types of sentences - simple, compound and complex.

A simple sentence just has one full thought and it will tell us who and what.
E.g  I went to school.
A compound sentence takes two simple sentences and uses a connective (joining word) to join the two sentences.
E.g I went to school and I learned a lot. 

A complex sentence is one full sentence that could stand alone and a part of a sentence.
E.g  Although I went to school, I didn't learn much.

Today we looked at the picture below and worked together to make some complex sentences.

Funny animals clean funny

The dog is enjoying his breakfast, even though he’s had three bowls of cereal already!
The dog is enjoying his breakfast even though he’ll have to do the dishes when he finishes.
The dog is enjoying his breakfast even though he’s making a mess.
The dog is enjoying his breakfast, even though he has human hands.
The dog is enjoying his breakfast, even though his house is messy.
While the dog enjoys his breakfast, his mother makes his bed.
Whenever the dog sits at the table, he starts to eat and get fat.
Even though the dog is eating with his fingers, he’s still enjoying it.
While the dog enjoys his breakfast, he has a glass of milk.
While the dog is enjoying his breakfast, he is thinking about the dishes.

We are going to be trying to use these types of sentences in our writing and we're looking for them in the books we read. You can help at home by pointing out these sentences when you're reading together.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Compound Sentence Competition

Each social group in the class was given a shared google doc with a picture. They had 15 minutes to get as many compound sentences on the page as possible. They did so well. Two groups managed to make 17 compound sentences in that time and the other two groups weren't far behind. Amazing what a bit of competition can do.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Simple and Compound Sentences

We have been learning about different types of sentences. So far we have learned that there are simple sentences and compound sentences. We used the pictures below to write two simple sentences. We then took our two simple sentences and added a connective to turn them into one compound sentence.
We used this image to help us write our sentences.

Charlie -  The monkey is hugging the dog. The dog is sad
             -  The monkey is hugging the dog and the dog is sad.

Charlotte - The monkey is hugging the dog. The dog is getting warm.
                - The monkey is hugging the dog so the dog is getting warm.

Pippa - The monkey is hugging the dog. The monkey likes the dogs collar.
          -  The monkey is hugging the dog and the monkey likes the dogs collar.

Tess - The monkey is hugging the dog. The dog is giving the monkey a piggyback ride.
        -  The monkey is hugging the dog but the dog is giving the monkey a piggyback ride.

Check out our individual blogs to see some more compound sentences.