Tuesday 24 October 2017

What's Up - Week 2

Well week 1 has flown by and with week 2 only 4 days long I’m sure it will fly by as well.

Tuesday those kids interested in the road relay will have trials. Once the teams have been named they will continue to train for the event next Monday.

The Lions Speech Competition is on Thursday night so we will be checking in with those who have written speeches to make sure they are prepared for the night.

We wrap up our persuasive writing this week by presenting our letters to the Board and Enviro Teachers. Our letters hope to persuade them that our enviro ideas are appropriate and get permission to go ahead and actually create them.

Notices came home last Friday regarding Positive Puberty so please read through these. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. We hope to have our first lesson this Friday.

In Maths we continue to develop our algebraic thinking skills by developing rules for patterns and looking at how patterns can be explained.

Reading will consist of trying out our new CSI kit. CSI reading is a programme of work which works on developing comprehension strategies and exposing children to a range of different texts. We will also be busy with reading assessments in preparation for reports.

Reminder that all children should have a hat at school by now. No hat - no play. Bucket hats only.

Yet another busy week and it is only week 2!

Have a good one!

Thursday 19 October 2017

Capital Letters

So it appears that someone actually reads my blog posts (even if it is only my mother)! 😁She has complained about the lack of capital letters in my last post.😱😲 If you read the post directly from the blog it looks fine BUT apparently when viewed through email all the capital letters are missing.πŸ˜• This is because the email didn't recognise the font that I used. In future I will not use that font as I don't want parents (including my own) thinking that I can't use capital letters.😎 πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Have a great day!

Monday 16 October 2017

What's Up? - T4 - Wk 1

Welcome back to what will be another busy term - is there any other sort?? 😊  This term we have calf and lamb day on wednesday, we have lions speeches, Tech week and of course camp in week 7.

Students should be all prepared for calf and lamb day as far as pets go. we will be completing our string art design on tuesday. the only thing students need, if possible, are small picture hook type hammers. we are trying to source as many of these as possible, so if you have any at home that could be used on the day we would love to borrow them.

lions speeches take place in week 2. students who are interested will complete these at home. more information will come home with interested students.

tech will be in week 5 this term. students have filled in their request forms, these will be finalised this week and then students will be informed. the tech options this time are - cooking, art and design, shade house construction, and movie making.

camp is in week 7 and more information will come home as the date for this gets closer. if you have any questions about camp, please feel free to get in touch.

homework this week will just consist of getting animals ready for wednesday. those students interested in lions speeches will have to begin preparing their speech as well.

reminder that touch starts this week on tuesday evenings. toko school sports uniform is required in order to play.  also this coming weekend - labour weekend - is our annual school pig hunt. we would love to see you there supporting the school. Lastly remember Term 4 means no hat, no play.

have a great week.