Saturday 3 June 2017

Science and Technology Fair

This year our Year 7 and 8 students will be entering into the Science and Technology Fair. This is similar to Methanex Maths in terms of investigations, but different in the range of categories students can enter and obviously it has a science and technology theme, not a maths one.
Last week we were lucky enough to have two of the organisers come and speak to both Year 7 and 8 classes. They talked us through all the categories, showed us examples of past entries and answered our questions. There were a lot of enthusiastic students ready to start after their visit!

The categories that students can choose from are:
  • Scientific Journalism
The topic for this is "Should New Zealand become more involved in the Space Industry?" Students would write an article discussing this topic. The article needs to be between 500 -3000 words. 
  • Photographic Section
The topic for the photography section is "Chemical Reactions". Photos need to be on photographic paper and need to to include information of where, when and with what device the photo was taken as well as how it relates to the topic. 
  • Water Rockets
Students need to make a water rocket using fizzy drink bottles. Any size bottle can be used but must be designed to withstand pressure. All rockets will be fired from a launcher at the same pressure and trajectory. Students will decide on design and how much water they add to the rocket. 
  • Observational Drawing
"Seeds" is the topic for this category. The drawing has to be a scientific drawing with no shading - dots and lines are allowed. A scale must be shown.
  • Advertising Poster 
The theme for the poster is "Farm Safety". It must be hand drawn and A4 size. It has to include the words "WITT Taranaki Science & Technology Fair". The winning entry will be used to advertise this year's fair. 

The two major categories are:

Science Investigation and Technological development. 
The technology project needs to identify a need and and develop a solution ( an example of this is the girl who invented the kindling cracker which is now sold world wide).  The science investigation is about explaining a phenomena - it should have a prediction and experiments. These projects are presented on large 3 way folded displays (shown in photo below) and can be completed individually or in pairs. 

Students at Toko School will be required to enter in at least one category. There is no obligation to complete either the scientific or technology project but students with the desire and / or ability will be encouraged to do so.  Some categories will require completing some parts at home. Students will be selecting their categories this week, so take the time to discuss the categories with your child as this will help them with their decisions. 

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