Monday 5 June 2017

What's Up - Week 6

We are halfway through term 2 now and time is flying by and With a 4 day week this week it will continue to fly.

This week in maths we continue to develop our knowledge of decimals. We will be learning how to add decimals. Students will be able to work at the level that best suits them through using a system of practice and check. When they get stuck students will use short videos and teacher help to move them onto the next level.

Writing will be spent reflecting on our year so far. Students will be required to look back on the year and comment on different areas using a positive, minus and interesting format.

Reading continues as normal as we develop our reading comprehension strategies to help us understand the texts we read. Texts will be based around our respected enviro focuses.

Miss Jury and Mrs Hancock are both out of class on Wednesday morning as we have some Japanese PD to help us with teaching a different language.

Enjoy your week and feel free to pop in and check out some of our tech week creations. Toko Tv will also show some of what everyone got up to in tech and of course each student has completed a blog post about their tech experience.

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