Sunday 27 May 2018

Week 5 Update

This week marks the half way point of the term - already - and the beginning of winter.  Last week the class worked hard to come up with some cheaper options for our class camp to Wellington. Once they had found all the options they realised that they needed to do some fundraising, as they didn't want to ask parents for more money. This meant writing to the Board of Trustees to ask permission to fundraise. We finished our letters last week and I will be presenting them to the Board this week. Check out your child's blog to see their letter - everyone has completed a letter so if it's not on their blog ask them where it is! Once we know if we're allowed to fundraise we will be able to finalise some decisions and get information out to you.

In other news this week, we will be beginning some different inquiries which will require the children to choose from a range of tasks that fit into 8 broad categories. Children will either inquire into chickens, refugees or successful learning and will complete a range of tasks under the headings - find solutions for problems, come up with new ideas, design something original, invent, evaluate, decide, argue, and consider other perspectives. Ask your child to explain what inquiry they have picked and to show you the range of tasks they will complete between now and the end of term.

When children are working with me in writing we will be focusing on advertising - the language used and the techniques used to entice consumers.  In maths we are looking at strategies for solving problems involving decimals, fractions and percentages. In reading we are setting up reading circles where small groups of children will read the same book and have regular catch ups and discussions to share their thinking and understanding.

This week for homework I have asked the children to complete a task around their self management strengths and weaknesses. It would be great if you could have a discussion with them around this task as we will using this information to help with our learning.

Reminders :
Please send back any ripper rugby or basketball notices
Stratford High School opening evening is this Wednesday night
Jones Cup practices start on Friday - remember correct clothing and equipment

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