Tuesday 15 May 2018

You Can't Always Have What You Want!

Sometimes you try something new, a new way of learning, and it's so successful you think to yourself - why haven't I done this before? !!??😏😏

Since we only have one day together this week, I decided to do something different and get the kids to help me organise our Wellington Camp.

We started by looking at the purposes for camp. I introduced the students to the purposes for camp in our school charter and explained that these are set by the Board of Trustees, based on advice from the Ministry of Education.

We worked out our learning goal and how we would know if we've achieved it:

Learning Intention : to plan a week long educational, interesting and exciting camp to Wellington city.
Success Criteria: * our ideas will be practical in costs and meet the budget requirement
                             * our activities will meet the needs of the group

                             * Mrs Waite and the Board of Trustees give their approval

Then we discussed our budget:

33 people at $330 each = $10,890
$1500 from the Board of Trustees
$1000 from the Fundraising Committe
Gives us a total income of  $13,390

I then shared that the accommodation we  have used in the past had quoted us $8500 and the bus company had quoted us $3740. Total for accommodation, food and transport would be around $12,240. Only leaving us around $1000 for activities for the week.  This was a bit of an eye-opener for the students 👀👀 as $1000 doesn't go far for 33 people!

We have now split into four groups - transport, accommodation, food, activities - and are investigating some cheaper options as well as investigating what activities we might be interested in. Of course the activities will depend on how much money we can save on food, accommodation and transport. 
Once we have competed some research and got some of the above sorted, the students have decided they might need to write to the Board of Trustees to either ask for more funds or ask to be allowed to fund raise. 

The buy-in and interest from the kids and the real life budgeting decisions as well as the reality of not having endless funds has been great learning for the kids.
Watch this space to see what interesting suggestions they come up with!!!!

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