Monday 10 September 2018

Speech Board Drama

For Speech Board in Year 7 and 8 students get to choose between presenting a poem individually or working with a group to present a drama. Unsurprisingly most students choose to participate in a drama.
This links in nicely with the curriculum - The Arts (drama), English (communicating effectively) and Health (relating to others).
Students learn so much during this time of the year. They have to work together to pick a suitable script, then learn the lines, learn to actually act, make props and put it all together effectively.
The part students seem to struggle with the most is the actual acting part. Learning to alter your voice or your body to take on a role of someone else is quite tricky. That's why we spent some time working through some of the suggested drama activities in the Speech Board Assessment Syllabus.
Below are some photos of students pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and trying new things through dramatisation.
In this activity, students had to work together to make items of furniture out of their bodies.

In this activity students needed to show others their emotions through facial expressions and body language. 

Space Jump is an activity that involves 'jumping' into a scene and creating a new scene.

Not only did everyone try hard and learn a lot about different drama techniques, we all had a really enjoyable hour!  

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