Monday 3 September 2018

Purposes for Writing

One of the areas that students struggle with is remembering all the different types of writing - is it a report or a narrative or maybe a recount? Once they have worked out what type of writing it is then the next step is trying to remember all the features and structures that go with that type of writing. Not easy!
During some recent Professional Development I came across a simple way to make things much clearer for everyone!

Rather than trying to remember all the different types of writing, we can make it easier by grouping writing into three main areas and simply asking - is my purpose for writing to persuade someone, to inform someone or to entertain someone? As you can see from the graphic above, all the types of writing fall under one of these three areas. Thinking about the purpose for writing makes it much simpler. Remembering features and structures for 3 main text types is also much easier than trying to remember the features for around 9 or more possible text types! 

In class we are working on thinking about our purpose for writing and then looking at the general features that go with that broader type of writing. Ask your children about P.I.E and the 3 main reasons for writing. Hopefully they will be able to explain the graphic above! 

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