Thursday 12 April 2018

A Real Life Refugee Comes to Visit!

How lucky were we today with our visit from Sam, a refugee who came to New Zealand from Cambodia?!
Sam shared his story of being a week old and spending 31 days being carried by his parents through the forests from Cambodia to Thailand and then spending 7 years living in a refugee camp before getting his name pulled out of a ballot and being sent to NZ on his own, where he lived for 5 years without hearing from his family or even knowing if they were alive!
The children listened intently and then asked some fabulous questions, not only about Sam's life, but about ways we could help refugees.  I'm sure they'll have lots to share with you tonight.
The children are currently finding out more information about refugees and next term we will look into how a small group of Year 7 and 8 children might be able to help make a difference for refugees in NZ.  It's a fabulous opportunity for us to develop empathy, and understanding for those that are different to us and it links nicely with choosing kind and not being judgmental.

Here's a couple of short videos from this morning.....


  1. Wow, what an amazing experience! Thank you for organising that. What a wonderful learning opportunity :)

  2. I'm sure the Room 6 children will remember Sam's visit and stories forever! I wish I had came and listened. I look forward to hearing how they are going to help the refugees in NZ. Sian

  3. How great to connect your learning, through a book about refugees, to a real life refugee who made their way to New Zealand. You have all learnt so much which has opened your eyes to the life other people lead. Mrs Waite

  4. This was an amazing opportunity for our children, one which they will remember and appreciate for a long time. Thanks.
