Sunday 29 April 2018

Term Two!

Welcome back to Term Two! This term promises to be as busy as usual but hopefully will feel much more settled without all the short weeks.
I am introducing the students to a more flexible learning programme this term which should give them more opportunities to learn at their own level and to make choices regarding when they do things and how they do them. However, this doesn't mean that class becomes a free for all and kids just do what they want! There will be set learning intentions and set amount of times for each subject, but students will be able to choose how their day looks and what part of the learning is right from them. I'll be introducing this new way of doing things to the students tomorrow and over the next week. Hopefully they'll come home and share it with you. I'll be looking for feedback from the students over the next couple of weeks. Feel free to ask any questions or come and see me for more information. Over the next few weeks I'll share some links to research that backs up this approach.

This term we continue to investigate refugees. We start by looking at this really interesting poem that shows two points of view and should provoke some great discussion.

Our writing unit is based around learning about writing persuasive texts and our maths will be focusing on aspects of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Tech this term will be running in two blocks - Thursday and Friday of Week Two and then Monday, Thursday, Friday of Week 3. More information about this will be shared with students this week. They will be involved in either robotics or enameling and jewelry making. Both have outside experts taking the groups which will be fantastic.

Have a great week.

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