Sunday 8 April 2018

End of Term 1

We've made it to the last week of what has been an unusually mucky term. I, for one, am looking forward to Term 2 and a far more settled term!
This week kicks off with athletics - weather dependent - postponement is Tuesday. We have been having regular athletic skills practice with Olly from the Run, Jump, Throw programme, so we should be good to go.
The rest of the week will consist of continued learning around the Commonwealth Games. We will be using a maths lens to look into the numbers around the Games and then using this to investigate our wonderings around the impact the Games is having on the Gold Coast.
As you know, we have been reading Refugee this term and we are nearly finished this amazing book. We are incredibly lucky because we will be having a visit from a real-life refugee called Sam, who has made New Zealand his home. He is coming to talk to the class on Thursday morning. A big thanks to Kim Watson for organising this visit for us. I will post about the visit afterwards.
Lastly, a reminder, that we love getting comments on our blogs, so please keep them coming.
Have a great week.


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