Tuesday 31 July 2018

Mystery Skype

Last week we took part in a Mystery Skype Challenge. This involved being paired up with another school in New Zealand and racing them to find out where each other was by asking Yes or No questions. All we knew at the beginning was that we would be paired up with an urban school.

All students in the class had roles to play so that we worked together as a team. We had ambassadors whose job it was to speak to the other school over Skype, we had detectives who had to use Google Maps to try and narrow down where in New Zealand the other class was, there were reporters who took photos and videos to show what was happening. We also had recorders who kept track of the information. Everyone was fully involved and worked together successfully.


We asked some really good, thoughtful questions and managed to narrow it down quickly to work out they were an all girls school within 20kms of Auckland. It took a bit longer to work out that they were Carmel College, which is a school of over a 1000 Year 7-13 students. 

It was a great way to practice our questioning skills, our teamwork and our ability to use Google Maps - not to mention it was great fun and really interesting to talk to a school that was so different to ours.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Room 6!!!! Your team work and perseverance paid off!! Mrs Waite
