Sunday 19 August 2018

The Busiest Term of All!

Term 3 has started with a hiss and a roar and plenty of business for our Year 7 and 8 students. Science Fair was our first activity to complete. A big well done to everyone who entered. Below are some of the entries into the science investigation - not all boards are there as a couple have gone on tour with their sponsors.


Next we had 16 student leaders take part in the LEAD Conference in New Plymouth. This event had over 700 students from around New Plymouth attend. There were lots of inspiring speakers to listen to, great music from a local band, yummy pizzas, and some dance competitions -which Ephraim entered and even won some vouchers for his efforts - (video below).

We also had two teams of 4 enter the Methanex Maths Quiz. This is a really difficult competition with lots of challenging questions to answer. Part of the skill of the event is knowing when to persist with a problem and knowing when to pass and move on. Both teams enjoyed the experience and realised that reading the question carefully is very important.

Last Thursday our boys played the first day of their Taranaki Trophy rugby competition and Last Friday we had a team in the Taranaki Chess competition. This week we have teams in the Taranaki Trophy Netball competition and the Taranaki Seven's competition. 
We are also beginning to get stuck into Speech Board preparation. This year we are producing group dramas instead of poetry, so we will need to spend quite a bit of time getting this organised. 

As well as all of that we are working through our math and literacy lessons and making sure that our learning meets our individual needs through our flexible timetable and our Hubs. 
So all in all, it is a crazy busy term but the kids are getting all sorts of learning opportunities - academic, cultural and sporting.  😁😁😁

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