Sunday 4 March 2018

Week 6 Update

It's a short week in the class this week, with Swimming Sports on Monday and Teacher Only Day on Friday.  But during the 3 middle days we will be investigating how our Maths Hub works in greater detail and learning more about how our learning game - Prodigy - works. In reading we continue to get deeper into our class book, Refugee, and in writing we begin a short study on one of the three dictators that impact on the story. We are also still reading a chapter a day of Make Your Bed, which we continue to link to our Learning Stars and our class treaty.
Our Waitangi drama's are coming along and should be shared next week. The prop making was taking over from the script writing, so we have put prop making on the back burner until groups actually have characters and a script!
Our chickens continue to be popular, in fact the class think we should have several 'snuggle time' sessions timetabled into the day. We are still waiting for our leg bands to arrive so the real learning can begin.


Swimming sports is on Monday for all Year 4-8 students. Toko tops, black shorts need to be worn and  togs, towels, water and food need to be packed.
Town pool boat safety on Wednesday again. We are back at school by 1pm, so students that want hot lunch can still have one.
Friday is Teacher Only Day and the following Monday is Taranaki Anniversary.

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