Tuesday 13 March 2018

Week 7 Update

Hopefully everyone had a nice long weekend and enjoyed Taranaki Anniversary. This week is of course another short week - seems to be the theme this term!

In math we will be learning about averages - mean, median and mode. We will be doing this through our chickens. We will be weighing them and then using the weights to work out the different types of averages. A way to help at home would be to ask your child to explain the three types of averages, that will help check their understanding and make it clearer in their minds. There is a video that has been shared to all the students that explains averages. 

In writing we are beginning a figurative language unit based around the poetry of Iain Sharp. We will be unpacking and learning about the different types of figurative language and then writing poems about ourselves based on them. 

Both the figurative poems and an explanation of averages should be up on student blogs by the end of the week, or early next week. 


* Turnbull Cup - Wednesday night for those involved 
*  Run, Jump, Throw - Wednesday 
*  Basketball Trials - lunchtime Wednesday and Thursday 
* Triathlon - Friday 16th 

* Union Meeting for teachers is on Wednesday afternoon - parents are asked to pick up children at 1.30pm. If you are not able to pick up your child earlier there will be some staff here to look after them. 

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