Sunday 18 March 2018

Week 8

Wow would you believe we actually have a full week of school this week! It's been such a mucky term, that it will be a novelty to have a uninterrupted week of learning!

Last week during math we began a unit on Averages - mean, mode and median. This week I will introduce 'range' as the last of the 4 types of averages. Students will be demonstrating their learning by completing a short presentation and sharing it on their blogs.

Last week we also finally finished our Waitangi presentations. These will be uploaded to blogs this week as well. The presentations weren't as high a quality as I would have liked but the learning the children gained about the Treaty and Waitangi is evident, so that is the main thing.

I was really proud of all the Year 7 and 8 students on Friday during our school triathlon. They all completed their own triathlon and then went and helped the Year 1 and 2 students to complete theirs. They were true Toko Learning Stars with their participation, their attitudes and their willingness to help.  So well done to everyone!

This week we get further into our poetry unit and start putting those figurative language features that we learned about last week, into practice. We finish off averages in math and start working through what our class will present on the Jubilee open evening in our class.

Have a great week.

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