Monday 26 March 2018

Week 9 Update

It's all about the Jubilee this week as we have 4 days until kick off. Students this week will be involved in planning, organising and show-casing some of the learning that goes on in the class and some of the opportunities that weren't around 25 years ago. We will be showing our chicken journey and things like Toko TV, the drone, the 3D printer, the robot and the science trolley. During the Jubilee, those children that are helping, will be explaining and demonstrating how these things work.

Thank you to those parents and grandparents that commented on their child's learning on their blogs. It really helps the children lift the level of work output when they know that others will see and comment on it.


* If your child is participating in the Weet-bix Triathlon on Wednesday please make sure the office is aware that they will be absent from school.

* Run, Jump, Throw skills session on Wednesday

* Those going to the EPro8 Challenge will have notices sent home today that need to be returned asap.

* School is closed next Tuesday after Easter.

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